
Black Mulberry Seeds Morus nigra Ukraine 5 seeds S0805 Farmer's dream

$ 1.65

Availability: 23 in stock


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Here are Seeds of
Black Mulberry - 5 seeds !
Morus nigra (Latin Mórus nígra.) is a deciduous tree; species of the genus mulberry mulberry family,
10-13 m high.
The leaves are 10-20 cm long and 6-10 cm wide, covered with fuzz from the bottom.
Fruit is dark purple, almost black polydrupes length of 2-3 cm It is edible and sweet taste..
Morus nigra originates from South-West Asia, where anciently cultivated for its edible fruit and is widely spread to the west and to the east. Most commonly it is prevalent in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and North India, where it is often used to make jams and sherbets. It is cultivated as a fruit tree in the Ukraine.
Please notice that:
It can be in the different packs - the seeds inside are the same.
It's 100 % original and it has been keeping in an appropriate storage condition.
Payment PayPal
Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
Shipping the day after payment.
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